Friday, November 4, 2016

Tiny Art Show

722 E. Burleigh
Milwaukee, WI
The show is titled "Tiny Art at Tiny Prices"
I submitted 7 pieces and of course forgot to take photos of every single one.

Pieces will be up until sold

November 2016 - January 2017

Friday, April 29, 2016

Spring Art Show 2016

Art Post Gallery
"By the Seashore"

I titled my piece after the little fishing town my grandma grew up in. Her family lived in a cottage right on the water at the end of a pretty street.  She's told me many stories of hopping onto the beach during low-tide to grab scallops to eat for dinner that night.  Going there now, the cottage no longer stands as it was lost to fire and long gone are the times of finding scallops in this now densely populated area.

Ink drawing mounted on a canvas
17 total hours of drawing time

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

We meet again... Sneakers

WOOO-EEE! I haven't done any shoes in a while.  

The main reason... they are incredibly time-consuming which brings me to frequently turn down shoe requests. However, I absolutely love creating kicks for one client in particular.  These have been by far my favorites I've done for him so far.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Old artwork. New life.

Years ago, a friend of mine told me that one of the best places to find a painting surface was at the thrift store.
 He told me all about priming doors and the tops of tables to become elaborately decorated pieces. Bed sheets stapled to wooden planks would become cheap canvas as well. Last but not least, in the right hands, reclaimed artwork can have a brand new outlook on life.
Passing these two paintings recently, I was struck with inspiration and the concept of praying.  I couldn't help but bring them home with me. Enjoy.

The frames are to be refinished next.

What $2.99 got me...

Where my paintbrush got me...

Series: Pray/Prey (2)

Mixed Media - Acrylic Paint

Monday, March 23, 2015

Painting - Octopus

Paint is not my favorite medium - mainly because I haven't mastered it quite yet.
Just this month, I have been commissioned to do quite a few paintings (this octopus being the first).  I am loving the challenge so far....

Outline of the beast and beginnings of the garden

Garden complete - on to touch ups, color, and a background

Octopus - 2015
Acrylic Paint
24'' x 48''